Sené Chic's Simply Lavender Artisan Soap is proudly handmade, hand cut, and packaged for your head to toe cleansing enjoyment in the Nation's Capitol - Washington, DC.
What is Lavender? A flowering plant belonging to the mint family, and easily identified by its sweet floral scent. It's believed to be indigenous to the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and India, with a long history.
Benefits: promotes anti-aging by improving circulation in the bloodstream by adding oxygen to the skin cells; aids in equalizing the skin’s pH balance; aids in producing a youthful glow; promotes relaxation; moisturizing; contains anti-bacterial properties that fight bacteria and hep to clean out your pores, to calm skin and reduce the swelling that often accompanies acne and other irritations; minimizes the appearance of scars; relaxes muscles; and calm your nerves.
Ingredients: shea butter*, saponified olive, coconut, and castor oil*, essential oil, vitamin e and mineral colorant. *certified organic ingredient.